Cyber Security Questions and Answers

With a growing number of scams and data breaches occurring across Australia, including the recent Optus data breach, it is our priority and always has been to protect our people, clients and communities.

Has Achmea Australia been impacted by the data breach?

Achmea Australia is not an Optus customer and therefore our systems and our clients’ data have not been compromised by the Optus data breach.

How is Achmea Australia working to help detect and prevent suspicious activity?

  • We use some of the latest technology and security measures to help protect your data.
  • Since the recent Optus data breach, we have increased monitoring and tightened our security even further.
  • We have heightened our ID theft monitoring.
  • Achmea Australia will never contact you with a request you to confirm and/or give out your personal or security details (like your credit card or passwords), even if it looks legitimate. Please inform us via [email protected] or 1800 724 214 if you receive such a request.

Will my policy with Achmea Australia cover any claims arising from or related to cyber-attacks?

We assess all claims in accordance with the terms, conditions and exclusions in our All-in-One Farm Pack Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Our PDS excludes claims arising from, related to or associated with cyber-attacks.

However, our clients always have the right to lodge a claim and have their individual circumstances reviewed before a decision on coverage is made.

For more information and to understand what is included and excluded from your policy with Achmea Australia, please refer to the relevant PDS which is available from the ‘Downloads’ section of our website, or contact us if you have any questions about your cover.

Key resources

If you are concerned that your personal information may have been disclosed due to the Optus data breach, please check the Optus website for information in the first instance. You may also contact Optus via the My Optus App or call 133 937.

For general key resources, advice on the Optus data breach, including information about responding to a data breach notification, please refer to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.

Australian Government agencies have developed a fact sheet about the Optus data breach.


If you have a question for us and the answer is not listed here, or if you see anything that raises concern about how Achmea Australia protects your data, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 724 214. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Insurance issued by Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. (Achmea) ABN 86 158 237 702 AFSL 433984. The information in this document is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs (your personal circumstances). This means any advice may not be appropriate for your circumstances. Before using this information to decide whether to purchase the insurance policy, you will need to consider the appropriateness of any general information or advice we give you and how it relates to your specific situation to ensure the insurance cover meets your needs and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from the ‘Downloads’ section of our website For feedback and complaints, visit To view Achmea Australia’s privacy statement, visit

Achmea Australia does not warrant that the information contained herein is accurate, reliable, complete or up to date, and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaims all liability of Achmea Australia and its Associates for any loss or damage suffered by any  person by reason of the use by that person of, or their reliance on, any information contained in this document or any error or defect in on this document, whether arising from the negligence of Achmea Australia or its Associates or otherwise.