Avian influenza, also known as ‘bird flu’, is an infectious virus that is prevalent among wild birds, as well as domestic birds such as poultry.

Several farms across Australia have reported strains of avian influenza.

Bird Flu is a serious biosecurity risk. Please refer to the following Frequently Asked Questions about our response and how we are helping to protect agricultural communities, support our farmers and protect their animals.

How is Achmea Farm Insurance responding to bird flu?

As outlined by the Australian Government here, Restricted Areas have been established around all infected premises. A broader Control Area buffers the restricted areas. Within Restricted and Control areas, there are restrictions on the movement of poultry and birds, poultry products, equipment and certain vehicles.

In line with this, we are currently not undertaking any face-to-face farm visits in these affected areas. However, our team continues to be available via 1800 724 214 or via [email protected] to discuss your insurance requirements.

For detailed information on the locations of these specific areas, please refer to the Australian Government’s guidance here.

If you are a poultry operator and are interested in insuring your operations with us, please contact us on 1800 724 214 or complete our online form.

Prepare and reduce the risk of bird flu

Bird flu is a concern for Australia’s agricultural sector, and it is important to take the time so that you and your farm are well prepared.

For key resources on bird flu, including information on how to prepare an on-farm biosecurity plan, please visit www.outbreak.gov.au/current-outbreaks/avian-influenza.

Further information on industry compensation in the event of a bird flu outbreak in Australia

For further information about management and funding arrangements in the event of a bird flu outbreak in Australia, we encourage farmers to contact their industry body and/or Animal Health Australia. The Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA) is an agreement between all state and territory governments, the Australian Government and livestock industry bodies, which enables a response if there is an outbreak in Australia.

Will Achmea Farm Insurance cover any claims arising from or related to bird flu?

We assess all claims in accordance with the terms, conditions and exclusions in our All-in-One Farm Pack Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Avian influenza is excluded from our All-in-One Farm Pack.

However, our clients always have the right to lodge a claim and have their individual circumstances reviewed before a decision on coverage is made.

For more information and to understand what is included and excluded from your policy with Achmea Farm Insurance, please refer to the relevant PDS which is available from the ‘Downloads’ section of our website, or contact us if you have any questions about your cover.


If you see sick or dead birds, talk to your local vet or call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888. This will put you in touch with your state or territory agriculture department. Avian influenza and Newcastle disease are notifiable animal diseases. You must report a suspected outbreak.

If you have further questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 724 214.


Insurance issued by Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. (Achmea) ABN 86 158 237 702 AFSL 433984. Achmea Australia does not warrant that the information contained herein is accurate, reliable, complete or up to date, and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaims all liability of Achmea Australia and its Associates for any loss or damage suffered by any person by reason of the use by that person of, or their reliance on, any information contained in this document or any error or defect in on this document, whether arising from the negligence of Achmea Australia or its Associates or otherwise.